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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Two years flies by when you're having fun...

Wow, I haven't been back on this blog for two years! Life's journey really took off and I've been sledding downhill since my last post. I'm going to try to make more regular entries and talk about things have made a difference in my journey of healing and growth. The most amazing thing is, right after my last post, I started learning how to become a video producer and now for over 1 1/2 years I've been daily producing videos for the internet. With peace and joy in my heart and spirit I help make daily devotionals, meditation moments, music video slideshows, green screen technology-worship videos and healthy living messages. It's amazing! Two years ago I was recovering from a nearly fatal illness and now every single day is full. I'm still not able to work, part or full-time because I have permanent damage to my vision, my memory and my balance but my life is more fulfilling than it has been since my children have grown up.
And in the past two years I've welcomed two more grandsons and gotten better acquainted with my other grandchildren and my children. I've found that life after serious illness is a gift and every day is precious.
One more thing I've learned is that gluten sucks! Since eliminating gluten from my diet I have completely been relieved from severe neuropathy pain and most of my fibromyalgia symptoms...and I don't get migraines any longer. I'm off some very potent and hazardous medications and no longer feeling their side effects.
And, Libby, my wife has graduated from seminary and has been approved by the United Church of Christ for ordination. And I got a cat...a really cool cat named Ziggy who we rescued on the very day our website went live. I wanted to call her "GoLive" but was overruled. I'll tell the Ziggy story another day, but let me just say this-she is definitely someone special...sometimes she looks at me and I just ask her, "Who are you?" because I know she, at that moment, is someone's spirit in a cat's body. I know this sounds crazy, but you have to meet her to believe it.
I'm still crocheting every day. I miss making jewelry but with my vision loss I cannot really do it any longer. I know it sounds a little uppity to call myself a fiber artist, but sometimes that's what I feel like. Sometimes, though, I just feel like a crocheter (or a hooker, as some say).
Like the T-shirt says, "Life is Good". Not perfect and sometimes very scary, but good. I am loved and my life is rich. Oh, and the website is  No matter who you are, who you love or where are or have been on life's journey, YOU are welcome here. Love, Jane